Having a state of the art Dyno allows us to test & measure numerous facets of your vehicle’s performance.

Our Dyno can accommodate 2- or 4-wheel drive vehicles and with a touch of a button the chassis bed electronically adjusts in length to take the smallest vehicle right through to the long, modified vehicles such as the 200 series Landcruiser with a 650mm chassis extension.

Land Cruiser 200-Series on a Dyno

Our Dyno is used for all types of work including ECU Remapping, diagnostics testing, fault-finding or people just wanting to know how their vehicle performs compared to others. Each vehicle’s dyno data is recorded and customers are given a print out of their vehicle's proven performance results delivered to the wheels, not by a figure that is projected by the engine.

One of the most important features of the Dyno was the addition of our load testing software. Using this software allows us to enter numerous types of weights and road conditions to the Dyno’s program - it will then automatically load the rollers to simulate those conditions for towing. Given that no two vehicles are the same and the majority we see are used for different towing applications, this software has become essential for individual vehicle tuning and testing.

Below is a typical example of a dyno print out showing before/after power and torque results measured at the wheels.

Sample Dyno Graph

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